Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keeping Fremont Beautiful

Today in Coulter's backpack there was a flyer for Keeping Fremont Beautiful along with a trash bag for picking up litter. Included on the flyer was standard safety information (go with a parent, wear gloves, etc.) Also included, was what I might consider slightly less than standard safety information and I'm now wondering if Fremont has some kind of drug problem that I wasn't aware of. Now here I am trying to explain to my 6 year old reader why we should be wary of kitty litter.

I'll admit to being a little naive about the whole drug scene. I've never seen, tasted (is that the right word?) or even smelled pot; drinking diet coke is about as strong as gets at the Fritz house and well, I think we all know how I feel about smoking (or, as my friend's son calls it, "cigaretting." ) I know that drugs are out there (duh!) and I know that I have to tell my children not to do them (again, duh!) but it's just that I'm not quite ready to explain to Coulter that we need to be careful of, and I quote, "Meth Lab Litter." For my friends who are equally unaware, I would just like to share with you some possible Meth Lab Litter: abandoned coolers, paint thinner, pool acid, hot plates,battery acid, hydrogen peroxide and yes, kitty litter. Oh. My. Gosh. Kitty litter?

But today? The drug talk today? Uhm, yeah, no thanks, I'm not up for it. I need more sleep and more prayers before we dig into meth. Plus, I don't have the best track record when it comes to serious talks. Last year Coulter overheard me talking about one of my students at Children's Home. When I tried to back-track, I told him that Hooper's parents were on drugs and that they didn't know how to love Hooper. The next day he went to pre-school and told the Hooper that was in HIS class that his parents were on drugs and that they didn't love him. Needless to say there were a couple of phone calls over that one! Another "serious talk" was when I tried to talk to Coulter about moving to Nebraska. He cried hysterically and screamed, "I’ll never go!" I think it was about 3 weeks before we could talk about it again. Perhaps the worst, though, was the night I even introduced Satan by telling Coulter (who was having trouble sleeping) that if he just kept praying that Satan would get mad and make him really sleepy. I went in an hour later to find him totally freaked out about the devil. It's possible I should have thought that one through just a little more.

So, no drug talks today. Today, I will lie. Tonight I will sleep. Tomorrow I will pray and then maybe one day I will explain why we shouldn't play in the abandoned cooler full of kitty litter.


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