Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our New (well, not that new) Little (well, not that little) Yellow ( sorta yellow) House!

We did it! Approximately 24 hours after closing on our Sioux Falls home, we bought a house. We don't close for another 2 weeks so at my estimation we will have been model, if not perfect, Dave Ramsey students for approximately 6 weeks. I've never taken his class, although we have friends that speak very highly of it. I personally shy away from such classes because I don't know how to balance my checkbook. I'm more of an "in the ball park" kind of girl. The thought of actually having to keep such close track of, oh, I don't know, our grocery bill is a little bit terrifying. Anyway, I think Dave would've been proud of our 6 week debt free lifestyle and I'm hoping that he understands my need for a house with two bathrooms  (And if he doesn't understand then my guess is, that his son never tried to use the restroom at the same time that his younger daughter was on the potty because the son "just couldn't wait." This, of course, is a random example and names have been left out to protect the not-so-innocent!)

I am also hoping he understands my need for a little sprucing. The kitchen and bathroom have bright orange sinks and the den is home to some lovely orange shag carpet. As my Mother would say, "It's not one of your 'colors,' dear." And did I mention the orange and green peacock curtains? Beyond the color scheme, there are a few (and I guess somewhat important; read: boring) projects we need to address beyond the aesthetic. Evidently the back patio drains water into our foundation and evidently that is a problem.

I love this house. I love the yard. I love the front window and that for the first time in 10 years you'll be able to see our Christmas tree from the street! I love that my prayers were answered. As I've said before my husband and I have very different ideas about what home means and where home is and the truth is he'd be happy staying in The Little Yellow House forever. I'm grateful for the shelter it has provided, but home? No, we are not home.

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